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Easing Your Financial Divorce Journey

We are not accountants. We are not financial wealth advisors. We don’t manage assets.  We are not lawyers. We are the people in between who only work on the “financial aspects of your divorce” where those others don’t. Consider the experts. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation.

Complex divorce done safely: Online and Remote
Financial Divorce Consulting & Mediation Available

For Individuals

Do you feel alone in the divorce process?  Maybe you are considering divorce and have some financial concerns before approaching your spouse? Do money conversations make you freeze? Do you have anxiety about the preparation of court financial forms? Has your spouse made an offer and you just want to be sure you’re not making a mistake in accepting it? Perhaps you have specific issues you need clarity on?

Consider consulting with a Financial Divorce Expert who can be an advocate for you. We can shred light on things, educate you and guide you to an understanding what makes you feel relieved. It doesn’t matter where you are in the divorce process, whether just thinking about it or at some other stage. We can ease your divorce journey.

For Couples

Are you getting bogged down in the money details of your divorce? Do you need someone to explain finances to your spouse, so they can become an informed and active participant in the divorce to get it done? Are you afraid about running up lawyer bills or perhaps trying to do your divorce without attorneys. Are you concerned about how settlement options being considered will impact you or your children’s lifestyle or just stuck around the money parts of your divorce?

Get the support and education necessary for navigating the financial complexities in your divorce. We can help at any stage: pre-divorce, divorce, post-divorce. Also, we can act as a financial mediator in your divorce process giving you clarity.

For Professionals

Could you benefit from a 37-year financial expert with 20 years specializing in financial divorce issues to educate and mediate? Interested in an financial expert pair of eyes?

Mental Health Professionals, do you have clients with fears around money in their divorce? Are you concerned one of your clients might get taken advantage of through lack of financial knowledge? Are children getting caught up in the financial battle? Family Lawyers, do you have clients stuck around complex financial issues (e.g. stock options, benefits, business/partnerships, inheritances, etc.)? Financial Advisors and CPAs, could you use a neutral to help your clients navigate the financial aspects of their divorce, so you can stay above the fray and continue to work with both clients?


You may need help figuring it out. It’s OK. You might be the one who runs the money in the family, but you don’t understand divorce and how money works in divorce. Or, you may be the one who doesn’t run the money in the family, and you need help demystifying things, getting educated and clear. There may even be some other combination of dynamics between you and your spouse in running the money. We can help you with any situation throughout the divorce process and empower you to be financially successful in the future. Check out our Financial Divorce Consulting Services for Mediated Divorce, Collaborative Divorce, or A La Carte.

Meet The Team Here To Help You

Mark C. Hill, CFP®, CDFA®

Financial Divorce Consultant & Founder

Mark Hill is our Financial Divorce Consultant and Founder with over 40 years of financial experience. He is a Certified Financial Planner® and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® committed to bringing ease to money matters in any realm of life, especially in a divorce situation. Mark is a “fiduciary” bringing a higher standard of care to your case and working exclusively in the financial aspects of family law. He is very knowledgeable in the family law process.

Trish Sadler, CDFA®

Financial Divorce Sr. Case Manager

Trish is our Sr. Case Manager with more than 16 years of forensic accounting experience. In addition, she has been working exclusively in family law for over 8 years and is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®). Trish brings compassion and sensitivity to her forensic eye ensuring full disclosure of all assets of the marital estate to be divided. She has a degree in Business Administration (Accounting) and is fluent in English, Mandarin and Chinese.